gEt dOwN wItH tHe fRaCk dOwN

We’re inviting you to participate in the activities organised for the INTERNATIONAL DAY AGAINST FRACKING (THE GLOBAL FRACKDOWN) which will take place on the 22nd September all over the globe…

The bioregion is being affected by the Neo-extractivism Model, which exposes the population to significant risks, thus affecting not only this generation but also the basis of all future life.

We cannot longer separate the activities related to development from the caring and empowerment of the social and environmental assets. We cannot consider the environment as a source, a valuable resource or a material possession, subordinated to the Welfare State. On the contrary, we believe that the Wallmapu is the matrix where life flourishes in all its forms.

Although fracking may seem as an advantage to the industry, that is now facing the unstoppable exhaustion of resources, it also involves the disappearance of historical activities such as tourism and agriculture. Leaving a legacy of irreparable traces of contamination and death…

For almost a century, the hegemony of the oil industry has gathered the people from the North Patagonia within a historical context of political regimes, economic growth and the fight for survival. Armed peace has transformed a place where there was nothing but LIFE into the Desert prophesied by the Conquest. In Lof Gelay Ko (a community located 14km from the city of Zapala), the people have been resisting for four years to the first megafracking project in Latin America; places like Allen and Añelo, have become the blood sacrifice offered to the cult of Neoliberalism; cities where today’s royalties are nothing but violence, abandonment and misery… hydrofracking is the drop of water that makes the glass overflow.

Today we stand up, lift our head up, by choice or by necessity. From the bioregion we can proclaim ourselves as THE LATIN AMERICAN CAPITAL AGAINST FRACKING.



Apca2012@autistici .org